Many men have used this program to get the girl of their dreams and now this program is available to you right here.

Have you experienced this…

❌ Didn’t approach because you spent to long thinking of what to say to a woman that you were attracted to and then she disappeared?

❌ Get tongue-tied or the conversation goes silent when you are talking to women?

❌ Worried that women will think you are a creep, wierdo or unattractive even before you talk to them?

❌ Tried single interest groups, apps and online dating

❌ Missed opportunities to talk to women that you find attracted

❌ Felt intimidated to talk to women and even more so if you are attracted to them

❌ Felt like “Did I miss something… why does everyone else find it easy to have a relationship?”

❌ Most of all felt massive FEAR about being rejected, humiliated or ignored when approaching women you are interested in.

Why is it easy for some men to approach attractive girls… you’ve seen it. You probably have a friend that gets attractive women so easily…

What does he have that you are missing…

✔️ Women love him

✔️He is a woman magnet

✔️He doesn’t even seem to be trying and the ladies love him

✔️ He’s cool, confident and doesn’t struggle with what to say, it comes easy and natural to him

✔️ How does he do it? Why do the ladies flock to him? What does he have?

Is it his looks? His car? His career? His style? His body? His hair? His home? His money???? NOOOOOOOOOO it’s none of that…
Then what is it you ask… What does he have that you don’t…Was he born being great with women… Why is it so easy for him….?
I’ll tell you what the difference is between you and “him”… IT’S FEAR…. IT’S ONLY THAT ONE THING, HE IS NOT LIVING IN FEAR MODE.

He’s not concerned about the reaction he will get, he has NO FEAR. He is a good guy, I’m not saying he has NO FEAR because he doesn’t value anyone but himself and is only about him… No not at all .. He has no fears about approaching, talking, flirting, dating and going out with women his finds attractive.. He doesn’t suffer with the fear or “what will she think about me”, he doesn’t suffer from approach anxiety, he isn’t internally stressing over what the women will think about him or say to him. He isn’t tied up in a FEAR.

Other men have overcome this FEAR and have got the Girlfriend they desire.

How did they do it…. ? 

They did it by taking and applying what they learned in “How to get a Girlfriend 101”.

Here are the 4 main keys you will learn


How to rid the fear and anxiety when approaching women that you find attractive. Learn to approach with ease and use your natural charm to attract the woman you desire.


You will always be READY! Never be without words, always be ready no matter where you are to approach women that interest you.


How to become a women magnet. Discover that you already have something unique and attractive about you…learn to let it shine and attract to become your woman magnet


Learn how to keep your new relationship exciting and interesting so that you can continue to be her amazing boyfriend.

I have also included 4 FREE BONUSES to you in this course. You will have the opportunity to watch all 4 BONUSES.


A recorded video interview where Melissa interviews Daniel on how he STOPPED LIVING in “ZOMBIE MODE”.


A recorded video of Melissa and Daniel discussing Daniel’s creation of the “BACK POCKET APPOACH”…Never be at a loss of words again when approaching women.


Hudson Souza, The LOVE Coach from Brazil will tell you how to use your masculinity to attract the woman you desire. Using your masculinity is NOT what you think!


Hudson Souza, The LOVE Coach from Brazil will teach you how to keep your relationship romantic, exciting and strong!

Grab Your Copy of the Program now for $ ̶1̶9̶7̶.97

Just $129

*For the First 400 Action-Taking Men!


Here is what some of the men are saying.

“Melissa made me want to take calculated, adventurous risks and made me believe in myself”


“Melissa made me want to burst through my comfort zone and keep on pushing
myself until I accomplish what I set out to do”


“She changed my life in a big way”


“You can not go wrong with Melissa. It is an absolute joy working with her!”

-Dr. JP. Dorst

“I wanted to thank you. I’m dating a great gal right now who I absolutely adore and is amazing. I really don’t think I could have done that without you.”


*Pictures shown are for illustration purpose only. They do not represent the face of the client’s testimonial.


Yes, in this course you will develop the skills needed to get a girlfriend even if it is all new to you.

Yes, there are many exercises provided that will allow you to feel comfortable with approaching . You can do 1 exercise until you are comfortable with it before you move on to the next. You can work at you own pace.

It doesn’t matter you age, shape, looks, this course will teach you life, dating and relationship skills that any man can apply and will lead to getting a great girlfriend.

It doesn’t matter you age, shape, looks, this course will teach you life, dating and relationship skills that any man can apply and will lead to getting a great girlfriend.

It doesn’t matter you age, shape, looks, this course will teach you life, dating and relationship skills that any man can apply and will lead to getting a great girlfriend.

It doesn’t matter you age, shape, looks, this course will teach you life, dating and relationship skills that any man can apply and will lead to getting a great girlfriend.

Yes, you have 7 days along with a written explanation why you’re not putting the course to work.


The Coach bases their guidance and advice on her Coaching Certification, previous education, work experience, life experience, and in her direct experience working with people. She draws from what she has observed: which thoughts, techniques and actions have created success, and which have created failure. The Coach is NOT a medical professional or licensed psychologist.

For issues with medical or psychological gravitas, The Coach’s input is to be considered just that: Input, rather than a medical or psychological diagnosis or directive. Before taking any action that could affect the client’s or family’s physical or psychological health, please consult with a medical professional. The Coach is not liable for the actions, behaviors, mental or emotional states of the clients that she works with. Confidentiality within legal parameters is guaranteed by the Coach.

I confirm I have read, understand, and agree with all elements of The Coach’s policies and contract.


This course presents exercise recommendations/suggestions. You should be evaluated by your physician before engaging in any exercise program. If you have any symptoms of concern during your participation in any exercise program immediately stop and consult your physician. All fitness information presented in this course is for informational purposes only. The Coach shall not be held liable or responsible for any injuries or losses in connection with the information, recommendations and programs contained herein.

The purchaser/reader assumes all risks of participating in the workouts written in this course.

B Your Best Relationship & Lifestyle Coaching © 2020 Melissa Boychuk


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